Welcome to ReadingOwl

We are team of skilled and experienced teachers making magic out of learning and teaching for kids

Sign up for classes

About Us

ReadingOwl, was founded in Targu Mures, Romania by Szabo Emoke inspired by the personal desire to bring an ever growing value and productive learning techniques for the children for the best results ever possible!
With the desire to do a good job she managed to build a strong household name adopting skills from personal experience and ever evolving learning curve !
What you see is what she built !
We are not a franchise and no investors business !
We use what we earn to invest in the development of new materials and our own skills !
We do not hunt for large client bases and we let our own reputation speak for itself !

How do we make the magic happen...

We respect our core values: Lifelong learning, Positive Attitude, Responsability, Recognition, Accountability, Givers gain, Traditions + Innovation

We invest allot of time and effort to create various and diverse materials for every single class
As an extra effort we create our own materials by hand and combine them with ready to go educational games tools, toys and materials for every single class !

  • We communicate with parrents and keep up to date respect and track every aspect of the childs development to ensure best adaptation of our methodology
  • We often go out of our way to find solutions and approach parrenting issues.
  • We thrive on a constant desire to better ourselves and a self driven effort to produce ever greater and illustrious themes for our classes

Integration is key , so respect our community and we keep in touch with local professionals within the education and parrenting sphere to better understand most current needs based on childs development in an effort to try and minimize the gap between generations! Children learn valuable skills while gathering in our small social community !
We have acquired and imported a large base of amazing educational materials and tools from all over the world based on the resarch and study of various other cultures !

Methodology PISE


Speaking, by itself, is an interaction, so, we promote the idea of learning while interacting with others by ensuring a minimum of four children in a group


It is also very important and more interesting to be able to touch smell and feel the objects around them while learning how to use them in a new language


Being in a group and learning seamlessly develops abilities beyond the childrens comfort zone and a fast adaptation to new environments and cultures


We keep and promote an open mind at all times to be able to observe and bring in new ideas from a different perspective

Jolly Phonics & Jolly Grammar

Jolly Mission: To provide the most engaging and effective educational programmes that enable outstanding achievement for all.

Jolly Learning was founded in 1987 and started selling the first of the Jolly Phonics products five years later. It uses the synthetic phonics method of teaching the letter sounds in a way that is fun and multi-sensory, enabling children to become fluent readers.

Jolly Vision: To be a world leader in creating quality educational programmes that accelerate learning so all children achieve their potential for a brighter future.

More about Jolly Phonics founder

ReadingOwl Materials and Themes

A special effort is put into researching of materials , methods, tools and various teaching cultures. We do our research well and find the best and most compatible ways that suits our methods and best practice

We combine skills of parenting, childcare, nursing and over ten years of experience in the fileds of teaching english with our constant research into a well refined methodology sutiable for as fragile as 2 year old children

Implementation is a work of art and we produly distinguish ourselves by being able to add something new every time to our classes and methods. We create our own materials by hand and combine them with ready to go educational tools and materials

Lifelong Learning

We pride ourselves on the pulse to constantly learn and educate ourselves and keep our mental abilities up to date

Attending courses, webinars, seminars and networking is a key aspect of the teaching profession and we never stop finding and adding new certifications and qualifications to our profile and resume

Every encounter with a new issue, problem, complaint or a simple discussion is going to be translated into a new experience for us that adds new ideas and plans for our curriculum. We pride ourselves with being able to network within our community and connect with businessmen to share, help or discuss new ideas

Join us in September

Come and join us with your child for a demonstration, then, if we "click" and match with your personality and expectations, sign up for English classes starting from the fragile age of two year old

Registrations open until the first of October, 01.10.2024

Testimonials and experience from Google reviews

Torok Alpar Levente

Bence fiam (kisóvodás) nagyon szeret Angol órára járni. Már az első DEMO leckén elvarázsolta Emőke és az angol nyelv tanulása, és azóta is büszke diákjai vagyunk a ReadingOwl nyelviskolának. Csak ajánlani tudom!

Timea Szilagyi

Echipa Reading owl, sunt niste profesionisti , cu O empatie fenomenala, rabdatori, care ii fac pe copii sa se simta acasa din prima clipa sí sa invete usor, prin joaca limba engleza. Sunt recunoscatoare pentru tot efortul ce au depus in invatarea copiilor mei. Sí ii recomand cu toata increderea. You are the Best 🤗

Ligia Pogacean

Suntem extrem de mulțumiți de experiența fiului nostru la Reading Owl. Cursurile sunt bine structurate, iar profesorii sunt foarte dedicați și pasionați de ceea ce fac. Metodele de predare sunt interactive și adaptate nevoilor copiilor, ceea ce face învățarea limbii engleze o adevărată plăcere. Atmosfera este prietenoasă și primitoare, iar suportul oferit de personalul școlii este excelent. Recomandăm cu căldură această școală tuturor părinților care doresc o educație de calitate pentru copiii lor! 🌟 Mulțumim, Reading Owl!

Gavrilita Boaghi Anastasia

Copilul meu frecventează de la 2 ani jumătate cursurile de engleză și este foarte incantat când merge la ore. Emoke, învățătoare lui, e foarte inventiva, mereu fac activități diferite. Recomand cu încredere aceste cursuri pentru copiii D-voastră


Regardless of our best intentions and will to educate, we are still a business and try to stay competitive while offering you the best prices matching our quality to be able to continously shower you with knowledge

Free Demo

ron0 month

  • 30 Minute Session
  • Get to know each other
  • Show our skills
  • Connect with the child
  • Set up a class schedule
Schedule for demo

Benefit program

ron190 month

  • For a minimum of 16 students
  • 60-90 minute sessions
  • Age and skill based groups
  • Yearly 1900 RON/student
  • Yearly contract
Sign up

Frequently Asked Questions

We are committed to addressing all the issues presented to us and providing you with the best possible solutions and answers.

  • We will offer the possibility to reschedule your lost session !
    In the rare cases where you find yourself unable to attend our classes, we ask you politely to contact us so that we can know who we can count on !
    We are unable to account for the missing classes financially therefor for the benefit of the child we recommend rescheduling !

  • In the unfortunate event that your child is sick, there is a low chance that we could reschedule the class however we will offer a one time discount for your next months membership to as low a total as 130 ron

  • We use a figital platform called Kinderpedia to accomodate all parrents and give the the best user experience while informing them of class schedule, timetable allerts, news, digital materials, billing, check-in and more.

  • Yes, we only work with official contracted clients and we issue the invoices based on such a document ! On sign up you will be presented with a link to a digital contract or agreement that you will have to fill and receive a copy on your registered email address !

  • We only accept digital forms of payment via Card payments (by Kinderpedia) or Bank Transfers based on the invoice issued that you will receive a copy of to your registered email and Kinderpedia app !

  • Yes, we offer discounts for various reasons such as: signing up more than one child from the same family, group sign ups, if you reffer more parrents to us ad they become paying members of ReadingOwl

  • Currently we acount for 82 members that are being well treated by two teachers: Szabo Emoke, our educational director and Ramona Oltean, a well trained and experienced tutor who recently moved back from the UK

  • Yes, after a specific hour, namely 15:30+, there is high chance for you to find a parking spot close to our institution!

Our Team

We welcome you to get to know us

Szabo Emoke

Educational Director
English Teacher

Ramona Oltean

English Teacher

Andras Dumbrevan

Administrator and CEO

Borsos Tamas nr. 24
Targu Mures, Mures


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